And Then There Were Five

Esteban was adopted today!! His new mom is the epitome of the perfect adopter! She asked all of the right questions and she’s an orange cat lover! She was also very excited to learn about the Tripawds community and I think she’s going to join! We’ll all have to keep an eye out for Jenny and Esteban!! Yup! She said she’s keeping his name 🙂 This is the best I’ve ever felt after sending one of my fosters off for adoption! I’m not sad at all. It’s like he went to an extension of myself!

No more amputee fosters…for now. I can finally take down all of the plastic jugs I had up as a barrier to keep Esteban off of the counter and top of the fridge! What a troublemaker he was!! The constant food struggles will hopefully stop now, too. Everyone was eating everyone else’s food and some cats were getting double meals and some cats were getting half meals…

Last night all 6 furry kids were all in the same room together, as if they knew it was the last chance they had!



Can you spot all 6?

I’m definitely glad I got to have another post op experience with a Tripawd, especially since Esteban’s was so different than Steve’s. Maybe when Jay and I have a bigger place, we can foster a canine Tripawd….then foster fail! 🙂

Author: stevethetripawdlady

Born and raised in Upstate NY and a volunteer at Mohawk Hudson Humane Society in Menands, NY. That's where Steve came from. Remember, Steve is a girl!

3 thoughts on “And Then There Were Five”

  1. Yep! I see all six!!

    GREAT, GREAT JOB! You are a Saint!!

    So glad things went well!

    Get some well deserved rest and you and your lack enjoy return to normalcy!


    Sally and Alumni Happy Hannah and Merry Myrtle too!

  2. OK I’m only seeing five!

    Congrats and great job, you are such an awesome foster pawrent and a smart momma. Take a break and then see what happens next, I’m sure another one will come your way!

  3. Ooooh! I love hidden object games!
    So glad Esteban found the purrfect furever home and thanks for helping him along the way! As someone who has been in rescue I know a great foster is worth their weight in gold 🙂
    I sure hope his furever mom makes a blog for him but in case she doesn’t ….Adios Esteban! Have a great life!

    CR and the OP

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