Friday will be Steve’s one year Adoptiversary…another case of Holy Crow time flies! It’s come full circle in that the foster cat has become the foster big sister. We just sent our first set of foster kittens of the summer (we started WAY late this year) off for spay/neuter and took in a special needs adult cat who I renamed Sif from Cous Cous. Sif is extremely skinny and has no confidence, so I gave her the name of one of Thor’s battlefield partners. She needed a strong and brave name. The name of a warrior who stuffs her face and fears no one!! Steve and the gang can meet Sif in two weeks if Sif wants to meet them.
I announced to friends and family last night that I’m starting my own pet sitting service. The past year of being helpless thanks to the vertigo caused me to have some kind of epiphany. I’m done putting up with everyone else’s BS! I’m going to do my own thing! I’m here to make one person happy and that’s ME! While I will offer the same basic services that every dog walking/pet sitting service offers, I will also cater to special needs pets. I have enough of a medical background that I feel comfortable sitting for pets that some services may turn down. I can administer insulin injections and subcutaneous fluids. I am also familiar with post op patients (even severe ones like amputations!) and know what to look for if an owner has to run out of town during the post op period. If I have to bring a client’s pet to the vet, I know what questions to ask.
I really wonder how much of this would have happened if Steve had never entered my life. We continue to speculate if she was the cause of my vertigo. If I stop taking Benadryl, the vertigo comes right back nasty as ever. The vertigo started when Steve showed up. If I didn’t get the vertigo, would I have been brave enough to leave my decent pay, but miserable, warehouse job to do what I really wanted to do? I really think I owe my independence to Steve.
Fingers crossed this works out!