Looks like Esteban figured out how to get on top of the dog crate! Look what adorable scene I happened upon when I went to get a snack in the kitchen!

I don’t know how he got up there, and I don’t know how he got down! What I do know is that if I were to put something there for him to use to get up or down, he would ignore it! I’ve totally given up on any of that. Last night he jumped up into shelving that we have built into our bathroom. I removed a few things that probably made it easier for him to get up there, but I knew that really if he wanted to get back up there, he would. I’m glad that he’s at least settling in with the crew!!
Wow, now THAT is one pawesome pack of friends. Smart, happy and adorable, what more can a pawrent want? YAY! Go Esteban!