Last night, I tucked the kitties in, said goodnight, and climbed into bed. Almost immediately, Esteban started crying. He had been out with Jay and I for a lot of the night, so I thought maybe he was just having a hard time with going back into the closet away from us. I got out of bed, opened the makeshift door, and pet him for a little bit before putting him back away. I climbed back into bed and he started crying more. And more. And more. And louder. And harder. Then I heard Zissou hiss. Then I heard a big commotion that sounded like a cat climbing the wall. Jay banged on the wall and things quieted down for about 30 seconds. Then more crying, more hissing, and someone climbing the wall again. Jay sat up in bed and said, “Uhhhh, someone just jumped the door and is out of the closet!” I assumed it was Zissou. Nope. Esteban thought maybe he’d like to give me a heart attack! He scaled the makeshift door, jumped to the floor, and started crying on the bedroom floor!!
The “door” is about as tall as I am, so a little over 5 feet tall. It leans into the room a little, so there’s a slight incline and an extra space that other super-agile cats have taken advantage of. I’m guessing he did this, and got up to the low point at about 4 to 4 1/2 feet. He didn’t pull or tear any sutures or any part of his incision!!
I decided that he was going to have to spend the night with us. I grabbed the extra litter box, filled a bowl with water, and tried to go back to sleep. He kept crying, though! I spent a lot of the night comforting him, pulling his leg out of his e-collar (I really don’t know how he does that), and keeping him quiet.
I stopped at the humane society today to get more antibiotics for Zissou and was able to talk to the vet. She wasn’t concerned with Esteban’s giant leap, and is glad to hear that (besides that jump last night) he’s being careful about how he gets up and down onto and from things. She also appreciated the advice I’ve been getting from other front amp pawrents! I let her know that I think Esteban would benefit from some more foster care in “g-pop” (general population, ie out with the rest of the pack) after she sees him on Monday if she thinks he’ll be ok to not be segregated.
Last night, during his time out of segregation, Esteban found his voice and wasn’t afraid to hiss back at Saxon and Steve. He even hissed at Yorrick when he got too pushy with the sniffing! Today, he’s giving everybody their fair chance. He’s been hissed at a few times, but hasn’t hissed back. He head bonked Yorrick and sat next to Steve. Saxon came up on the sofa to sit near Esteban. Saxon tried to be good, but ended up hissing. We’ll get there!!
Did I mention, Esteban’s incision looks AMAZING?! He pulled one of his own stitches out last night. I’m not at all concerned. He’s 99% closed and healed. He’s also starting to center his front foot when he walks, sits, and lays down. Steve still doesn’t center her back foot!

What a night. I don’t envy you 🙂 Sounds like Esteban knows what he wants and how to get it though!
That is indeed one awesome looking incision! Good job Esteban!
I have all rear amps and they’re all dogs but it is my impression that front leg amps “center” more quickly than rear leggers. At least for dogs. Or maybe its just more noticeable in front-leggers.
It sounds like Esteban is quite social. That’s good for finding a forever home.
It’s interesting about Esteban centering the front leg. When Mona did this early on and I brought it up with the chiropractic vet because Mona also seemed to twist her paw slightly (I suppose to give a bigger base of support). The vet found it put Mona’s spine out of alignment, did some adjustments and massage. I no longer see Mona sit with the leg centred any more, or at least not as dramatically. Perhaps the positioning changes when they build up more strength.
I’m curious if front leg amputee dogs centre their remaining front legs.
Hope you and Esteban have a restful night.
Kerren and Mona
Now you’ve got me curious about Esteban’s spine… I’ll bring it up with the humane society vet on Monday. If nothing else, it can be passed on to his furever home as something for them to watch out for. Thanks for the tip!!
I though you might enjoy a fabulous documentary on the mystic of cats where they stated that cats aren’t efficient walkers and that’s with 4 legs!
One thing they said is that cats have a floating scapula and a collapsible rib cage which explains why Mona was able to squish her body between a window and outside screen (2 inches) when she was high on pain meds. So they are extremely flexible but the vet pointed out that hopping on to the front leg in the middle could eventually cause pain further back. The vet said all I need to do is daily massages and range of motion exercises and Mona will adapt as she gets stronger.
I’m sure Esteban’s furever home will appreciate all the tips you will offer and your experience with Stevie. I know I would. It will be very exciting for them to have this lovable fellow.
Wow! What a crazy night!!! Sorry to be laughing though! You have a “Fun House” for cats and they are making the best of it!
Can’t believe he could scale that barrier! You hzve an Olympian champion pole vaulter!!!
Adorable picture of Steve “being good”!
Hugs to all!
Sally and Alumni Happy Hannah and Merry Myrtle too!