Kitten season is in full swing and I’m being a terrible foster mom. I keep leaving town, which means I can’t take in any kittens to foster. Next week, I’m going to Boston with my parents to help my sister’s family move. After that, I promised the humane society that I will start taking kittens!
Today, I got a phone call from the humane society (the very one that Steve came from) that warmed my heart and boosted my self esteem. It was one of the vet technicians that had assisted with Steve’s amputation surgery. She was calling to see if I could take another kitty amputee in for a post op foster! She said that she has a very short list of foster families that she trusts with such cases, and I am on that short list!! I told her that I was going away for a few days next week, but that as soon as I got back in town I would take the kitty in if no one else did.
It feels so good to be trusted with something so important! I hope no one else is available so our furry family gets to be the one to care for this kitty in her post op days! How great will it be to have two Tripawds hopping around the apartment for a couple of weeks?!