Two years ago today, Jay and I took Steve to the Humane Society to have her amputation sutures removed and we signed her adoption papers ending her term as our foster kitty and beginning her life as our furever kitty!!
Today, Jay and I picked Steve up from the specialist’s office after megacolon surgery. Two major surgeries in two years!! Goodness, Steve! That’s enough of that!!!
The technician that did Steve’s discharge told us how pawsome Steve was during her hospital stay. She said that usually, cats like to hide in the backs of their cages and are very anti-social. Not my Stevie girl!! Steve was right at the front of her cage asking for attention and watching everybody! They said that she watched other surgeries so closely it was almost creepy!! HAHAHA!!! Oh that’s my Steve! Just like her mommy, loves to watch the gross stuff! I can’t get enough of that on TV!
Steve will be recovering in the “foster closet” for two weeks, so no foster kittens for that time period. I lined the whole bottom of the closet with painter’s plastic, then put a flat sheet down over that. I bought Steve a new (cheap) bed that she can ruin while her insides sort themselves out. Everything is either easily washable or disposable. She can paint the closet brown for all I care!!
So Hoppy 2nd Adoptiversary Steve!!! I think this is a special one because there was a chance (a small chance, but still a chance) you weren’t going to make it! I love you so much pretty girl!!!

BEST ADOPTAVERSARY EVER!!! So glad we ALL are here to celebrate and join in on the pawty!
You’ve done a Herculean feat by making her recovery closet “brown” lroof! Good job!
Ya’ know, Steve looks better in these pictures after major surgery than she did in the photo the day or two before.
I knownyou are thrilled to have her home. We are too!
Thanks for inviting us to the pawty! Ice cream and run a cakes for everyone! Steve became the luckiest kitty in the world the day she adopted you!
We love you Steve!!
Sally and Alumni Happy Hannah and Merry Myrtle too!
WOOHOOO! Steve you are the invincible Tripawd Kitty! First of all, I’m so hoppy you had a successful surgery, everything is going to be a-ok I just know it! Hoppy Ampuverary you amazing kitty!
A HUGE belated Happy Hippy Hoppy Adoptiversary Steve!! So hoppy your surgery went well and you got to spend the big day at home 🙂
Here’s to an uneventful and speedy recovery. And give your mama a break! No more wacko GI issues, ‘K?!
Codie Rae and the OP