Steve and I have been away for awhile, but it’s for good reason. Now that I’m back on my feet I’ve been busy volunteering at our humane society! I’ve been there almost every day, and for several hours each day! I got to take part in our local Puppies in Prison program, too! It was sooooo fun!!
I don’t have any clients with the pet sitting service, yet, but I’m still in start-up mode. I just got a logo, and I’m going to have my brother build a website hopefully in the next week.
Steve has gone back to her good ol’ cuddly self, sitting on the side of the tub every single day for my shower and napping on my lap or on the back of the couch on my shoulders almost every time I sit down! It’s been nice.
Jay was playing red dot with her the other day and she took a corner too wide and slid into the kitchen table. We were wondering out loud if she did so because she’s short a leg, or if any cat would do that. Saxon isn’t usually as clumsy, but he also isn’t as fast as Steve. All of our cats have soft, indoor kitty paws pads so they slip on the linoleum all of the time. Steve seems to slip the most, but again, she’s the fastest and most active of our 3 cats. She doesn’t slip when just walking, only when running after the dot or during normal kitty zoomies. She still has zero issues jumping!

Awwww Stevie, so good to hear from you! Sounds like you have recovered beautifully and are enjoying snuggling and living life to the fullest!
And YAAAAAY for Mommy for doingnsuch great volunteer work AND getting going on her pet sitting business! Those pets will be mighty lucky to have her!
Thanks for t he update and then pictures…..very sweet!
Sal l y and Happy Hannah and Merry Myrtle too!
This is the house of zoomies!! Yorrick does them every chance he gets. Steve shows her brothers how it’s done. Sif (the foster kitty) is coming into her skin (though still living in the bedroom as it has been discovered she HATES cats!) and is doing zoomies at 3 in the morning like a pro!!
Volunteering at the humane society is such an amazing and giving thing to do with your time, thank you for that! It’s good to hear you’re back on your feet, give yourself major props for that! Bravo!
So it’s funny you mention cats slipping because I was just wondering if Tripawd cats would use things like throw rugs for traction help? Kinda sounds like they don’t?
Zoom! Zoom! All of you are back on your feet, kinda! 😉
Hey Jerry, my cats like to attack and kick throw rugs with their hind legs. I have an area rug that ends up bundled up.
The only time my cats have slipped was when taking a corner really fast on the hardwood floor and all legs are flying but they don’t seem to fall.
Mona, my front-leg amputee, seems to do some gentle cheek plants on her left side (no leg) but only when walking (never falls when running). She’s got short legs and seems to roll left and is back up right away.
That Steve is such a cutie. Good luck in your pet sitting service!
Kerren and Mona
Kerren that is good to know about. Kitties are so agile! I’ll say it again, TriKitties just do so much better on 3 legs than dogs! Sssssh! Probably going to get dogpiled over that one 😉