I’m sure many are thinking, “What a silly anniversary!” An important milestone in this house, though.
You may recall, in an earlier blog post, I mentioned that Steve was doing well on the GI front (or behind hardy har har). So, I went back and actually looked to see just how well. I dug through Facebook posts and vet records. March 24, 2014 was the last time Steve was at the vet to be deobstipated (unclogged in medical terms)! Knock on wood, it has been a full year of successful pooping! Well…maybe not successful. It took her body a few months to regulate to the new food and the new medication; and there were several days spent locked in the bathroom while she sorted it out. We experimented with grooming wipes vs. baths vs. baby wipes. But it has been a full year without constipation!
I suppose we’ll never know if her GI issues were caused by the same thing that caused her leg malformation/injury, which led to her amputation. Or if her amputation led to trouble getting a good stance in the litter box. Or if nothing was related to anything and she just got unlucky enough to have an injury followed by an amputation followed by severe constipation.
Regardless, I couldn’t imagine life without Steve. I’m happy to celebrate poop! Especially when it isn’t in liquid form and all over my bathroom!!
If you’re interested in or struggling with this topic, here is a great article I read on it :
For some, it’s TMI. For others, it is a matter of life and death. We are so lucky that the former supervising veterinarian at the humane society got a job at our regular vet’s office. She was familiar with Steve and was able to help me during a financially rough time. I am eternally grateful to her!