Steve and I got the Tripawds Newsletter this morning and were excited to check out the calendars!! Steve made the cover of calendar #15 and is Miss July!!!
We’re so excited to be sharing a calendar with alumni Shelby and Happy Hannah (hey Sally, she’s representing my birthday!)!!!! What great company to be in!
I’ll be placing my order when I get paid tomorrow!
I feel like a a post isn’t complete without a picture!
As Steve lays around the house in all of her weird cat positions, I’ve noticed that her fur has almost completely grown back in everywhere that it was cut or shaved down! You can’t even tell that her belly was completely shaved for abdominal surgery, and the places I cut giant mats out of are nearly grown back to match the rest of her coat.
Her litter box habits have certainly changed as the specialist said they would. I see her going into the bathroom to use the litter box a lot more often then she used to. Her number twos aren’t quite solid yet, so she often needs her bum wiped if I can catch her. Usually, I don’t and she scoots on the carpet and leaves a streak >:( Only once so far has she made such a mess of her back end that she needed a bath, but even that wasn’t nearly as bad as it used to be when she’d get poo stuck all over the place. She was in and out of the tub in less than 5 minutes!
Jay and I often talk about how much money we spent on Steve for this most recent surgery. It’s a big deal because we’re trying to find a better apartment and we’re getting ready to get married. It’s hard to think about putting money towards making a life for yourself when you just dropped $3000 on your cat. Don’t get us wrong, we don’t regret spending the money. Jay knows how much Steve means to me and he would never make a decision to take her away from me when there is a reasonable option to save her life. During one of these discussions, Jay and I decided to do the math. Steve’s surgery cost roughly $3000. Before surgery and before things complicated further, Steve was eating wet food that was costing me approximately $25 per month (more like $25 every 24 days, but for sake of ease…). Additionally, every 6 – 8 months, I needed to buy a new bottle of Miralax at about $6 per. We gave Steve a lifespan of 15 years and figured out that because she now needs no medication and no special diet, we saved $1500. However, because Steve will probably live longer than 15 years and because I was actually spending more than $25 every 30 days, we saved more than that!! Ever the optimist am I.
Our latest foster, Ull, has come a long way since he first arrived as the terrified feral kitten. I booted him from the closet a couple of weeks ago and he took up residence in the bathroom. He quickly made friends with Saxon, Steve, and Spyder and is very clearly up all night every night playing. The cat toys are scattered in different places every morning and a few have gone missing!! He’s starting to get braver and is hanging out in the kitchen more and more. He’s really sweet and can be super snuggly if I put him on my lap, but he’s still not thrilled with being picked up. Whoever adopts him is going to get an awesome cat!
Steve and Yorrick seem to have bonded recently. They always got along, but they’re really close now! They’re always begging for food together, they occasionally nap together, I’ve caught them giving each other a lick or two! They’re like the….Bottomless Belly Twins or something! I love them as partners in crime!!
It’s so nice for everything to be normal again (knock on wood)!!!
Whatchoo doin?Steve’s classic pose (with a classic poop stain in the background)Steve and Yorrick have been palling around a lot latelyI’ve been wanting a picture like this since I’ve been able to feed Steve with her brothers again!Spyder got spooked by the heater and went to Ull for comfort!